X-rays, also known as Röntgen Rays, were discovered by the German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, and in many languages they are named in honor of him. The x-rays revolutionized the field of diagnostic medicine and is today also used in various other capacities, including security, archeology, and art.
In this article, we will look at the history, chronology, and impacts of the discovery of x-rays.

The Discovery of X-Ray
The discovery of the x-ray was a culmination of several years of research into electricity and radiation. The milestone moment occurred on November 8, 1895, when Wilhelm Röntgen, a professor at Würzburg University, was conducting experiments on cathode rays. During his experiments, Röntgen noticed that a fluorescent screen in his lab started to glow, even though it was not directly in the path of the cathode rays. This surprising phenomenon led to further investigation, leading to the discovery of x-rays.
Röntgen realized that he had discovered a new type of ray that could pass through solid material. He named the ray x-ray, with x representing the unknown.
The process of discovery
In 1895, Röntgen was investigating the external effects of passing an electrical discharge through various types of vacuum tube equipment. In his laboratory in the Würzburg Physical Institute of the University of Würzburg, he had vacuum tube equipment from various scientists, such as Nikola Tesla, Philipp von Lenard, Heinrich Hertz, William Crookes, and Johann Hittorf.
In early November, Röntgen repeated an experiment using a tube from Lenard. In this tube, a thin aluminium window made it possible for cathode rays to leave the tube, while a covering of cardboard was used to protect the aluminium from damage by the electrostatic field. Röntgen noticed that even though the cardboard prevented light from leaving the tube, a flourescent effect could be seen on a cardbroad screen in his lab if it was placed close to the aluminium window.
The cardboard screen had been painted with barium platinocyanide.
Röntgen then wondered if using the vacuum tube from Crookes-Hittorf would result in the same flourescent effect, even though this tube had much thicker glass than Lendard´s.
Late in the afteroon of the 8th of November, Röntgen took the following steps:
- He made a black cardboard covering and used it to cover the Crookes-Hittorf tube.
- He attached electrodes to a Ruhmkorff coil to generate the required electrostatic charge.
- Before setting up the screen painted with barium platinocyanide, he darkened the room to test the opacity of the new cardboard cover. He passed the Ruhmkorff coil charge through the tube and confirmed that the cover did not let light through.
- He turned to prepare for the next step in the experiment. It was then that he noticed a faint shimmering from a bench located a few feet from the tube. This piqued his interest, so he tried again with new discharges – several times. After each discharge, he could see the same shimmering.
- Röntgen struck a mathch and found out that the shimmering came from the screen painted with barium platinocyanide that he had intended to use next.
Further experiments
The 8th of November was a Friday, and Röntgen spent his weekend repeating his experiments and taking notes. He became rather obsessed with his new find, and in the following weeks, he essentially lived in his lab – both eating and sleeping there. During this time, he investigated the properties of the new rays and called them x-rays, since x is the mathematical designation for something unknown.
During many of his experiments, Röntgen was testing how well various materials would block the x-rays. In one of these experiments, he put a small piece of lead into position while a discharge was occuring. This produced the first radiographic image, as Röntgen could see the skeleton of his own hand on the barium platinocyanide screen.
Photographing hands
About six weeks after discovering the x-rays, Röntgen took an x-ray photograph of his wife Anna Bertha´s hand, which clearly showed the bones inside and her wedding ring, proving the ability of these rays to penetrate solid matter. When his wife saw the skeleton of her own hand, she exclaimed “I have seen my death!”.
Later, Röntgen took an even better picture of his friend and fellow scientist Albert von Kölliker’s hand during a public lecture. (Kölliker was a Swiss anatomist, physiologist, and histologist.)
Publishing “ Über eine neue Art von Strahlen”
Röntgen´s groundbreaking paper “Über Eine Neue Art von Strahlen ” (On A New Kind of Rays) was published on the 28th of December, 1895. Before 1897 was over, he had published two more papers on x-rays.
Recognition and Legacy
Röntgen´s seminal paper “ Über eine neue Art von Strahlen” was published on December 28, 1895, and on January 5, 1896, the first Austrian newspaper wrote about Röntgen´s discovery of a new type of radiation.
Röntgen´s discovery and continous work with x-rays earned him widespread recognition and many awards. The global scientific community quickly recognized the significance of Röntgen’s breakthrough. Among other things, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Würzburg. In1896, he received the Rumford Medal from the British Royal Society together with the scientist Philipp von Lenard who had shown that a portion of cathode rays can pass through a thin film of a metal such as aluminium.
A few years later, Röntgen was awarded the first-ever Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 in recognition of his extraordinary services to mankind. His discovery laid the foundation for further research into radiation and led to the development of various x-ray based techniques, including computed tomography (CT scan), fluoroscopy, and mammography.
Impact of the Discovery of X-Ray
Röntgen’s discovery of x-ray soon came to have far-reaching implications. The most significant impact was in the medical field, where it revolutionized diagnosis and treatment. Prior to this discovery, diagnosing internal injuries or issues often required invasive procedures. However, with x-rays, doctors could now see inside the human body without surgery. This led to a dramatic improvement in diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy, transforming the healthcare field forever.
Furthermore, x-rays found applications in other fields such as physics, engineering, and archaeology. In physics, x-rays helped in studying atomic structures, while engineers used them to detect structural flaws in buildings and other structures. Archaeologists used x-rays to examine artifacts without damaging them.
Final Thoughts
The discovery of x-rays marked a pivotal moment in the history of scientific and medical advancements. It revolutionized medical diagnostics, giving physicians a non-invasive method to peer into the human body, subsequently improving the process of medical investigations and treatments. Moreover, it opened avenues for research and application in various other fields. The legacy of Wilhelm Röntgen and his remarkable discovery continue to impact our lives, over a century later, testifying to the enduring significance of this breakthrough.